
M e s s a g e s
N o t e : If you press and hold when the phone is in
idle mode, you can access your voice mail serv e r
d i r ectly (Provided you have already pro g r a m m e d
it into the voice mail menu location.)
Voice Server Number
You can change the voice mail server number.
To... Then press the...
Enter the server Corresponding number
number keys.
Recall a number in PhoneBook soft key.
the phonebook
Correct a digit soft key.
Move the cursor or key.
without clearing the digit
N o t e: See page 35 for instructions on how to use the
p h o n e b o o k .
Read Messages Menu 2-2
When the Read Messages menu is selected, the
header of the first message is displayed. This contains:
Message number
Message status (New, Old, Not sent, Sent)
M e s s a g e s
Your phone receives voice mail notification messages,
and text messages. Voice mail and short message serv i c e
(SMS) are network service. Please contact your serv i c e
p rovider for more inform a t i o n .
When the icon appears, you have received voice
mail.When the icon appears, you have received
new messages. If the message memory is full, an error
message is displayed and you cannot receive any new
messages. Use the Delete option in the Read
Messages menu (2-2) to delete obsolete messages.
Once there is space in the memory any undelivered SMS
messages will be received (provided sufficient space is
P i c t u re and ringing tone messages can also be re c e i v e d .
To... Then use the...
Send or receive Picture Messages menu
picture messages option (2-7); see page 65.
Load ringing Ring Tone menu option (4-1);
tone messages see page 72.
Voice Mail Menu 2-1
This menu provides you with a quick way of accessing
your voice mailbox (if provided by your network).
Connect to Voice Mail
Before using this feature, you must enter the voice
server number obtained from your service provider (see
the following page). You can then select this option and
simply press the OK soft key to listen to your messages.