
Camera and Camcorder 108
Taking and Sending Photos
Using Camera Options
While in Capture mode, you can use various options for the camera by pressing the
Left soft key.
The following options are available:
Record video: switches from camera to camcorder.
Shooting mode: allows you to Take a photo in various modes. Once you change
the mode, the corresponding indicator displays at the top left of the screen. The
following modes are available:
Single shot: allows you to Take a photo normally and have it Automatically saved.
Multi-shot: allows you to take a series of action stills. Select the capture speed,
High Speed or Normal Speed, and the number of photos the camera will take. When
you press the key, the camera takes photos successively.
Mosaic style: allows you to take several photos to combine in a mosaic.
Effects: allows you to change the color tone or apply special effects to the photo.
Frames: allows you to select a decorative frame. Select a frame from the list using
the Navigation keys and press the key to save your setting.
Timer: allows you to set a time delay before the camera takes the photo. Select the
length of delay you want. When you press the key, the camera takes the
photo after the specified time has elapsed.
Default destination: allows you to Remove your default destination or Change it to
Recent recipients, Phonebook, New recipient, My Album destination, or My Journal
Go to Photos: takes you to your Images folder.
Camera settings: allows you to change the image settings.
Size: allows you to set the image size to either SXGA(1280X1024),
Mega(1024x768), SVGA(800x600), VGA(640x480), or QVGA(320x240), or
Mobile(128x160). The selected image size displays on the capture screen.
Viewfinder: allows you to set the viewfinder to Full screen, Full screen & indicator,
Full screen & Guideline, or Actual screen.
Scene programs: allows you to set the scene (Normal or Night scene) for taking
White balance: allows you to set the white balance to Auto, Daylight, Incandescent,
Fluorescent or Cloudy.
Shutter sound: allows you to select a tone for the shutter sound. Choose between
3 tones.
Zoom sound: allows you to turn zoom sound On or Off.
Brightness sound: allows you to turn brightness sound On or Off.