Phone Settings
1. From the Today screen, tap Start ( ) located in the upper left corner of
the screen.
2. Tap Settings ( ) to reveal the Settings screen.
3. From the Personal tab, tap Phone ( ). Phone options are divided into
the following tabs:
• Phone: Allows you to configure a voicemail phone number. View your existing
phone number. Select the desired sounds associated with the phone. Set
notification for when Voice privacy is unavailable.
• Services: Allows you to set the Data Mode and Roaming Options. Select the
GPS setting and your Voice Privacy level.
• Security: Allows you to restore the factory default settings for your phone. Set
Emergency Call numbers.
Phone tab
ᮣ These options allow you to configure
several different settings that are specific
to the phone including:.
• Changing the Voicemail Dialup Number
• Sounds
- Ring Type
- Ring Tone
- Keypad
- Voice Privacy Notification
Phone Ringer Options
You can select several different phone ringer sounds
for the i760. You can also change the ring type and
its tone, as well as set an alert for when voice
privacy is not available. To access these settings:
1. From the Today screen, tap Start ( ) located in the upper left corner of
the screen.
2. Tap Settings ( ) and from the Personal tab, tap Phone ().
3. Tap the Ring type drop down arrow and select the ring type you want.
4. Tap the Ring tone drop down arrow and select the ringer sound you want.
Note: To hear the ring tone, use the player controls located to the right of the Ring tone drop down box. Tap
the arrow to play the tone, tap the square to stop.