Camera: Switches from Camera to Camcorder.
Shooting Mode: Single Shot, Mosaic Shot, Multi Shot.
Resolution: 1280x960, 640x480, 320x240, 160x120.
Quality: Super Fine, Fine, Normal, Economy.
White Balance: Auto, Sunny, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent.
Flash: Off, On, Only This Shot.
Timer: Off, 2 Sec, 5 Sec, 10 Sec.
Color Effects: Normal, Black & White, Negative, Sepia.
Settings: Allows you to change your image settings.
• Settings - General tab
- Automatic Save: Turn Auto Save Off or On
- Icon Display & Guide: Allows you to hide or view the camera icons in the
display. Select All Icon, Primary Icon, No Icon, Guide Only
- Storage: Allows you to select the location for saved pictures and videos. Save to
My Device or microSD™ card.
- Application Time: Off, 1 min, 2 min, 3 min
• Settings - Camera tab
- Shutter Sound: The sound you hear before you capture the image. Select
Shutter, Silent, Say “Cheez”, One two three.
- Multi Shot: 3, 6, 9
- Mosaic Shot: 4 (2X2), 9 (3X3)
• Settings - Camcorder
- Start Sound: On, Off
- End Sound: On, Off