Section 3
Your phone continues to notify you of the call until one
of the following events occurs:
• You answer the call.
• You ignore the call.
• The calling party ends the call.
• The call is sent to voicemail.
Answering an Incoming Call
Ⅵ Press the key. The ring tone and/or vibration stop and
the caller’s voice can be heard in the earpiece.
Tip: You can set your phone to answer calls when you open the flip, when
you press any key but the key, or automatically. (See “Call Options” on
page 162 for more information.
Ignoring a Call
When you ignore an incoming call, the call is
immediately forwarded to your voice mail.
Ⅵ During an incoming call, press the Ignore (right) soft key
( ). The caller is forwarded to your voice mail.
Adjusting the Call Volume
In standby mode, repeatedly press the Volume key ( )
down until the desired Call Volume Level appears in
the display. The Volume key is on the left side of phone.