Home Service Area - The geographic area in which the
wireless phone is activated. This is used for invoicing
Hook Flash - The action of clicking on the receiver of a
landline phone. On your Sprint PCS Phone™, press
TALK to achieve the same result.
LCD – (Liquid Crystal Display) Commonly used to refer to
the screen display on the wireless phone.
LED – (Light Emitting Diode) Commonly used to refer to a
small light on the wireless phone or on the Dual-Slot
Desktop Charger. The LED lights on the phone to
indicate an incoming call. The LED lights on the charger
to indicate that battery charging is taking place.
PCS – (Personal Communication System) FCC terminology
describing two-way, personal, digital, wireless
communication systems.
Prepend - The addition of a prefix, such as an area code, to a
phone number.
RF - Radio Frequency
Roaming - The ability to use a wireless phone to make and
receive calls in places outside of the home service area.
Service Charge - The amount paid each month to receive
wireless service.
Standby Time - The amount of time a fully-charged wireless
portable or transportable phone can be on and idle
without being in use. (See Talk Time.)
Talk Time - The length of time a person can talk on a
portable or transportable wireless phone without
recharging the battery.