Section 9
Editing the To do List
When you select a To do list item from the Day view, the
current contents display with a status checkbox and a
priority marker.
If the item has been done, a check appears in the checkbox.
H ig h p r i or i ty i te ms h a ve a red explanation mark, Normal
priority items have a blue explanation mark, and Low
priority items have a gray explanation mark.
1. To mark an item Done, highlight the item and press the
Options soft key.
2. Highlight the Done option and press the Select soft key
or the key.
3. The status checkbox next to the To do item will be
4. To edit other fields in the To do item, highlight the item
and press the key.
5. Press the Options soft key.
6. Highlight the Edit option and press the Select soft key or
the key.
7. Edit the items you wish to change.
8. Press the Save soft key or the key.
With this feature, you can use the phone as a calculator.
The calculator provides the basic arithmetic functions;
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
1. Enter the first number using the numeric keys.