Section 9
MP3 Player
The MP3 Player can be used to play files you have loaded
from your PC to your TransFlash memory card.
Note: The following characters cannot be used in the filename:
/ \ * ? “ < > : | 9
The file name is limited to 47 total characters).
1. In the Fun & Apps menu, select MP3 player and press
the Select soft key or the key.
2. Before you select an MP3, press the Options soft key to
select from the following options:
• Add music from: allows you to add music from your Phone
or memory card.
Open: allows you to open My playlist or Current playlist.
Settings: allows you to set these settings; repeat, shuffle,
equalize, 3D sound, visualization, MP3 skin, and volume.
3. After you select an MP3, press the Options soft key to
select from the following options:
• Play: allows you to listen to the MP3 from your phone.
Open: allows you to open My playlist or Current playlist.
Send via Bluetooth: allows you to send the MP3 by
Set as: allows you to set the MP3 as an alarm tone. MP3 files
with DRM (Digital Rights Management) can also be used as a
ringtone and a caller ringtone, while files without DRM can only
be used as an alarmtone.
Remove from play list: removes the MP3 from your
current playlist.