
GGlloossssaarryy ooff TTeerrmmss
Digital cellular network standard based on the GSM
network architecture. With the higher frequency
range (1800 MHz for DCS instead of 900 MHz for
GSM), more radio channels can be made available,
thus allowing the network to support more
subscribers and traffic.
Dual Band
Ability to operate with both DCS (1800 MHz) and
GSM (900 MHz) networks. The phone automatically
uses the network with the strongest signal and even
switches networks during a call within the same
operator’s network.
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)
International standard for cellular communication,
guaranteeing compatibility between the various
network operators. GSM covers most European
countries and many other parts of the world.
Line Identification Services
Services allowing subscribers to view or block the
telephone numbers of callers.
Glossary of Terms
To help you understand the main technical terms and
abbreviations used in this booklet and take full
advantage of the features on your mobile phone,
here are a few definitions.
Active Flip
Ability to answer a call simply by opening the phone.
Call Barring
Ability to restrict outgoing and incoming calls.
Call Diverting
Ability to reroute calls to another mobile or fixed
Call Holding
Ability to put one call on standby while answering or
making another call; you can then switch between
the two calls, as required.
Call Waiting
Ability to inform users that they have an incoming
call when engaged on another call.