
Searching for a Number in the
You can search for a number in the phonebook during
a call.
1. Press the Options soft key.
2. Press the key to highlight the Phonebook
3. Press the OK soft key.
The phonebook entries are listed.
4. Enter the name that you wish to find.
If you enter the start of the name, the phonebook
entries are listed, starting with the first entry
matching your input. The entry is also highlighted.
5. To view the highlighted entry, press the View soft
For a more detailed description of the Phonebook
feature, refer to page 34.
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To switch the microphone back on, proceed as
1. Press the Options soft key.
2. If necessary, press the key to highlight the
Unmute option.
3. Press the OK soft key.
Your correspondent can hear you again.
Muting/Sending Key Tones
These options allow you to turn the key tones off or
on. If the Mute keys option is selected, your phone
does not transmit the key tones. It allows you to
press keys without hearing annoying key tones
during a call.
Note: To communicate with answering machines or
computerised telephony systems, the Send
keys option must be selected.