
Section 7
3. Press the left soft key Settings then press
4. Press Adapt VoiceMode.
5. When you are ready to start adaptation, press the
key. If you or someone else has completed adaptation
earlier, the phone will ask if you want to start from
scratch or continue adapting the existing models. Select
Yes to discard existing adaptation data and start from
scratch, or select No to continue adapting the existing
data. If you are a new user, you should select Yes to start
from scratch.
6. Wait for the beep and then say each word as it appears
on the screen. Speak each word clearly and distinctly,
using a normal tone and volume. If the adaptation
process doesn’t detect a word, it will prompt you again
to speak the same word.
7. If you want to take a break, press the Pause key to
pause the adaptation process. When paused, continue
adaptation by pressing the Continue key.
8. After you say all 122 words, the phone will adapt
VoiceMode to your voice. This process takes
approximately one minute.
Note: If you press Cancel during adaptation, the phone will ask if you want
to save the adaptation data. Press Yes to save the data, or No to exit
without saving. If you do not complete adaptation, be sure to go back and
finish adapting to improve dictation recognition.
If you ever need to reset adaptation to its original state,
use the following procedure: