Section 9
Get Pix & Flix
This menu allows you to get new pix and flix from the
internet or take new pix or flix using your phone’s camera.
You can also view the saved pictures.
Get V CAST Video
V CAST, the next generation wireless technology that
unveils a whole new multimedia experience at your
fingertips, provides access to vibrant, full-color content
from some of the biggest names in entertainment. V CAST
is your link to video on demand, which allows you to
view or download video clips that contain breaking news,
sports highlights, weather and more.
For additional information regarding V CAST Video and
its’ use, see
Note: To access and download videos, you must have the icon
Browsing, Selecting and Playing Video Clips
1. In standby mode, press the Menu, use the left
navigation key to highlight Get It Now. Highlight Get
Pix & Flix and press or press the right navigation
key to display the Get It Now menu, highlight Get Pix &
Flix and press .
2. The Get V CAST Video option is highlighted. Press .
3. Use the left or right navigation keys to highlight the V
CAST Video category you want.