Checking the Address Book’s Used Space
You can check how many names and numbers are stored in
the Address book, in both SIM card and the phone memory.
You can also see the capacity of both memories.
■ In Idle mode, press
Address Book
Used Space
• Phone
: The number of Address Book entries out of a possible
1000 that are in use.
: The number of SIM Card entries are in use.
• Additional No. 1
: If additional numbers have been added to
contacts saved on the SIM card, this is the number of SIM
contacts with a second number saved on your SIM card.
• Additional No. 2
: If additional numbers have been added to
contacts saved on the SIM card, this is the number of SIM
contacts with a third number saved on your SIM card.
: The number of entries in use.
Depending on the SIM card, the number of entries may