• Tasks
• Address Book
3. Highlight an entry and press
or to view the
contents of a category’s memory.
4. Highlight a specific entry or select All and press to
select and delete all the entries in this category.
5. Press
6. At the Delete? confirm screen, press Yes to continue, or
No to cancel.
7. Press to return to Idle mode.
Software Update
The Software Update feature enables you to use your phone
to connect to the network and upload any new phone software
directly to your phone.
1. In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings
➔ Software Update.
2. Select one of the following options:
• Check for Update
: Checks to see if there are new software
updates available. If new software is found, you can
download it to your phone.
• Continue Update
: Use this option to resume the software
update if you had to pause the download.
3. Follow the on screen instructions.
Phone Information
This option allows you to see the phone number in the SIM
card (within the phone), the manufacturer, the model number,
and various other information related to your phone. You may
be asked for this information if you contact Customer Service
because of a problem.
■ In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings
➔ Phone Information.
The phone information displays, including: My Number,
Manufacturer, Model, Device ID, Software Version,
Language, and Client Version.
This screen is informational only. No fields are editable.