Saved Pages
The Saved pages list provides you with a list of the websites
that you have saved.
1. From the Home webpage, tap
Saved pages
A list of your saved webpages is displayed with their
Name. The webpages that have been visited the most
will appear at the top.
2. Tap any entr
y to display the webpage.
Browser Settings
To make adjustments in your browser settings, follow these
1. From the H
ome webpage, tap
2. The following options are available:
• Set homepage
: Sets the current home page for the Web
• Auto fill forms
: allows you to enter text to be used in your web
profile. Tap Add profile, then enter text for the Web form auto
• Search and Web address suggestions
: displays predictions
of related queries and popular websites in the address bar as
you type.
• Preload available links before opening
: allows you improve
performance when loading pages.
• Remember form data
: Allows the device to store data from
any previously filled out forms. Remove the check mark to
disable this function.
• Remember passwords
: Stores usernames and passwords for
visited sites. Remove the check mark to disable this function.
• Delete personal data
: allows you to delete all personal data
such as Browsing history, Cache, Cookies and site data,
Passwords, Auto-fill data, and Location access.