
Alignment and Adjustmens
Samsung Electronics
Service Manual
6. Alignment and Adjustments
This chapter describes some of the main service procedures including:
Using the EDC mode; Clearing paper jam and test patterns.
Much of this chapter is also included in the user's guide.
6.1. Control Panel
6.1.1 Overview
- The CLP-300 printers do not have LCD panel which is used in other color model printers. On the contrary
to other models of color printers, they show the status of the printer only with their LEDs.
- The CLP-300 printers have 2 keys and 6 LEDs. The ‘User Interface’ module handles the processing of the
‘Key Press’ and ‘Led control’ at different states of the machine.
6.1.2 Architecture
KEY (2 key): Stop key, Black only key
LED (6 LEDs):
4 LED for CMYK toners : toner-low(cyan, magenta, yellow, black) LEDs
1 LED for status : ready (green) or error(red) status LED (two color LED)
1 LED for Black only: If Black only key is pressed, Black only led glows.
6.1.3 Data and Control Flow
User interface (panel) is made up of
- KEY input detection & process
- LED control
The initial process to use the panel checks register°Øs values of key and LED.
If user input key value, the operation to be defined by key value is processed and the LED operation to be
defined by printer status is controlled.
Black Only