
Samsung Electronics
Service Manual
Reference Information
12.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations
The table below explains the abbreviations and acronyms used in this service manual. Where abbreviations
or acronyms are used in the text please refer to this table.
ADC Analog-to-Digital-Conversion
AP Access Point
AC Alternating Current
ASIC Application Specific Integrated
ASSY Assembly
BIOS Basic Input Output System
BLDC Motor Brushless DC Motor
CLBP Color Laser Beam Printer
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide
CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
CN Connector
CON Connector
CPU Central Processing Unit
CTD Sensor Color Toner Density Sensor
dB Decibel
dBA A-Weighted decibel
dBm Decibel milliwatt
DC Direct Current
DCU Diagnostic Control Unit
DIMM Dual In-line Memory Module
DPI Dot Per Inch
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DVM Digital Voltmeter
ECP Enhanced Capability Port
ECU Engine Control Unit
EEPROM Electronically Erasable
Programmable Read Only Memory
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
EP Electro photographic
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
F/W Firmware
FCF/FCT First Cassette Feeder/First
Cassette Tray
FISO Front-In, Side-Out
FPOT First Print out Time
GDI Windows Graphic Device Interface
GIF Graphic Interchange Format
GND Ground
HBP Host Based Printing
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HTML Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HV High Voltage
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
I/F Interface
I/O Input and Output
lb Pound(s)
IC Integrated Circuit
ICC International Color Consortium
IDE Intelligent Drive Electronics or
Integrated Drive Electronics
IEEE Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. Inc
IOT Image Output Terminal (Color print-
er, Copier)
IPA Isopropy Alcohol
IPC Inter Process CommunicationEPP
Enhanced parallel Port
IPM Images Per Minute
ITB Image Transfer Belt
LAN local area network
LBP Laser Beam Printer