Games and Apps
Get New Games
You can download more games from your service provider’s website.
1. In Idle mode, press ➔
My Downloads
Games and Apps
Get New Games
and press the
soft key or the key.
It launches the web browser.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions. When downloading games, charges may apply. The file is downloaded
and stored in the Games folder.
Get New Applications
You can download more applications from your service provider’s website.
1. In Idle mode, press ➔
My Downloads
Games and Apps
Get New Applications
and press the
soft key or the key.
It launches the web browser.
Other Files
This option allows you to view other types of files that you have stored on your phone. This includes Excel
spreadsheets, text files, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and Word documents. You can move or copy the
files to your memory card, as well as send them to other Bluetooth enabled devices, or enable the file for
Bluetooth visibility.
Memory Status
You can check the amount of memory used and available memory on the phone for audio, images, videos,
other files, and games and apps.