Messages 58
Voice Mail
The following option is available:
: you can specify the default phone number used for access of phone’s remote voicemail.
Changing the Voicemail number can affect your ability to access your voicemail. Check with your provider’s
Customer Service before changing.
Push Message
Push Messages are service provider-sent messages, that include software upgrades or general information
messages. The following option is available:
Receiving Option
: you can specify whether to turn push message reception On or Off.
Service Loading
: you can specify to load the service always, after prompting you, or never.
Broadcast Message (SIM card dependent)
This network service allows you to receive text messages on various topics, such as the weather or traffic.
Your phone has Text and Multimedia message templates that you can retrieve and apply when creating a
message. You can change the applied template as needed before sending a message.
1. When the Idle screen displays, press ➔ Messages ➔ Templates.
2. Select a template type (
Text Templates
Multimedia Templates
3. Highlight a current template message and press the Options soft key to access the following options:
: allows you to create and send a message using the selected template.
• Create
: allows you to add a new template to the list.
: opens a new message window using the selected template.
: deletes the currently Selected template or Multiple templates.
4. When you have finished, press the key to return to Idle mode.