
RoyalTek Confidential
RDR-3100 User Manual
4.2 Application Circuit
Figure 1 illustrates the proposed schematic diagram of Gyro, odometer and RDR-3100. RDR-3100 supports the Gyro, Panasonic EWT S84/86.
Please care about the ground partition design among Gyro circuit, RDR-3100 and odometer input. It would be better to use 2 kinds of ground.
The input of odometer is around 12V typically. It transfers the voltage level to accommodate the I/O voltage level of RDR-3100. The photo
coupling transistors also isolate the noise of car from the RDR-3100 system.
The power of the gyro is 5Vwhich is different from the power of RDR-3100. Please use a separate analog ground for gyro. And please keep high
speed signal away from the signal path of gyro and power when doing layout.
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