RoyalTek Confidential
RDR-3100 User Manual
1. Introduction
RoyalTek RDR-3100 is the newest generation of RoyalTek GPS module integrated Dead
Reckoning technology. The RDR-3100 includes dead reckoning sensors to track your
vehicle's course when your GPS signal is blocked for example in urban areas or tunnels. If
you lose GPS coverage in areas with tall buildings or tunnels, the RDR-3100 keeps on
This document describes the recommended schematic and layout design of gyro and odometer
circuit, and is designed to operate with RDR-3100 algorithm correctly. This document also
describes the application of DR protocol and illustrates how to optimize the performance of
DR using known digital map information.
2. Product Feature
² 20 parallel channels
² Screw holes type
² Newest generation of RoyalTek GPS module integrated Dead Reckoning technology
² Keep on producing an accurate position after loosing contact to the GPS satellites.
² Enhanced algorithm for navigation stability and minimizes the effects of GPS outages,
And provide improved position accuracy in urban environments.
² Excellent sensitivity for urban canyon and foliage environments.
² 2.1 Product Applications
² Automotive navigation
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