AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -18
Phrase Settings
< SU (phrase Set Up for AR-2000)
Function: Phrase settings
Syntax: stxSU: **** , “***********” , *** , **S* , * , **M**S , * , **M**S , *** , * ;
a b c d e f g h I j
a Phrase number
b Phrase name (up to 12 characters)
c Playback Volume (10 - 100)
d Delay Time (0S0 - 59S9)
e Repeat Playback
1 ON
f Repeat interval (0M0S - 59M59S)
g Control Output
1 ON
h Offset time of control output (0M0S - 59M59S)
i Tempo (5 - 260)
j Reserved (Only '0')
Example) SU:A001,“ABCDEFGHIJK”,100,10S5,1,5M0S,1,5M10S,120,0;
For phrase number “A001”, this sets as follows; Phrase name “ABCDEFGHIJK”,
Playback Volume “100%”, Delay Time “10.5 seconds”, Repeat Playback “ON”, Repeat
interval “5 minutes”,
Control Output “ON”, Offset time of control output “5min10sec”, and Tempo “120”.
Note: Be sure to specify an already recorded phrase as the phrase number.
> PN (Phrase Name set up for AR-3000)
Function: Phrase Name settings
Syntaxs stxPN: **** , “***********”;
a b
a Phrase number
b Phrase name (up to 12 characters)
> PR (Phrase Repeat set up for AR-3000)
Function: Phrase Repeat settings
Syntax: stxPR: **** , *,**,**M**S;
a b c d
a Phrase number
b Repeat
1 ON
c The number of repetitons
1 1
99 99
d Repeat interval (0M0S - 59M59S)