AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -14
> PV (Phrase diVide for AR-3000)
Function: Divide Phrase
Syntax: stxDM;
stxPV: ****,**H**M**S**F*S,*****,***** ;
a b c d
a Phrase number
b divide time ( 0H0M0S0F0S - 23H59M59S**F9S )
c Write-destination Phrase number
d Write-destination Phrase number
Note: Only audio phrases can be specified.
The number of digits for **F (frame) increases according to the value of MTC type.
> PM (Phrase coMbine for AR-3000)
Function: Join phrases
Syntax: stxDM;
stxPM: ****,*****,***** ;
a b c
a Src 1 Phrase number
b Src 2 Phrase number
c Write-destination Phrase number
Note: Only audio phrases can be specified.
> TS (Time Stretch for AR-3000)
Function: Expanding or compressing the playback time without changing the pitch
Syntax: stxDM;
stxTS: ****,*****,***** ;
a b c
a Source Phrase number
b The degree of stretching
c Write-destination Phrase number
Note: Only audio phrases can be specified.
> RC (Rdac-mode Convert for AR-3000)
Function: RDAC-Mode Convert
Syntax: stxDM;
stxRC: ****,*****,***** ;
a b c
a RDAC-Mode
0 Linear
1 Mode1
2 Mode2
3 Mode3
4 H-Linear
b Source Phrase number
c Write-destination Phrase number
Note: Only audio phrases can be specified.