Owner’s Manual
(10) After compiling your chain, press the [Save]
(11) Enter a name (up to 12 characters).
See p. 29 for how to enter names.
(12) Press the [EXECUTE] field to save your chain to
SmartMedia card.
The display now shows a confirmation message
and then returns to the Song Chain page.
Editing Chains
If, while programming or using a chain, you notice that one song is missing from your play list, or if you decide
not to use a given song after all, you need to edit your Song Chain. Steps (1)~(3) below are only necessary if you
want to edit a different chain than the one you have just programmed.
(1) Press the [CHAIN] button until the Song Chain
page appears.
(2) Press the field of the chain you wish to edit.
Depending on the number of chains already
present on your SmartMedia card, you may
have to use the [ø] [˚] fields for changing pages.
(3) Press the [Edit] field.
(4) Proceed as follows for editing your chain:
Inserting Chain steps
To add a step and assign a song to it, select the
step that should follow your new step, then
press the [Insert] field. (Example: to insert a step
before step 04, press the [04] field.)
This takes you to the following display page:
See steps (5) and (6) above for how to assign a
song to the newly inserted step.
Deleting steps
On the Song Chain Edit page (see left), select
the step you wish to delete and press the
[Remove] field.
All subsequent steps now move up one entry.
Example: if you delete step 04 of a chain that
contains 10 steps, step 05 becomes 04, step 06
becomes 05, etc.
(5) Press the [Save] field to save your edited
Note: By pressing the [Back≈to≈Edit] field or the [EXIT]
button, you not only leave this page, but you also delete
any changes you have made up to that point.
Clear ALL Steps
The Song Chain Edit page has a
[Clear≈ALL≈Steps] field you can use to remove
steps of the currently selected Chain. In
effect, this means that only the name is pre-
served, while the Chain can/must be pro-
grammed again.