
Transmit parameters
TX Monitor
These indicator icons (1~16) light whenever the
DisCover 5 (Keyboard, Song parts) transmits MIDI
data on the corresponding channel.
Use this parameter to select the part you want to
edit. If you press MIDI [Keyboard], the options are:
Upper, Lower, M.Drums. If you press MIDI [Song], the
options are Track 1~Track 16. Always select the Part
before changing the remaining parameters on this
(Off, 1~16, Off) Allows you to assign MIDI transmit
channel to the selected part. The default settings
usually work best, but you are most welcome to
change them. Select “Off” for a part that shouldn’t
transmit MIDI data.
Note: Unless you have a very good reason to do other-
wise, we suggest you always select the same Transmit
and Receive channel numbers for a part.
Note: Assigning the same channel to two or more parts
is usually not a very good idea.
(–48~48) This parameter allows you to transpose the
note messages before they are transmitted to an
external MIDI instrument or computer. The maximum
possible transposition is four octaves up (48) or down
(–48). Each step represents a semitone.
Data filters
The remaining three fields allow you to specify
whether the messages in question should be trans-
mitted (ON) or not (OFF).
PC—Program Change and Bank Select (CC00, CC32)
messages. These messages are used to select Tones
and Drum Sets (as well as User Programs, see below).
See also the explanation for the “Receive” parameter
of the same name.
CC—These messages control parameters such as
modulation and pan. The function of a message is
determined by its control change (e.g. ID) number.
PB—Allows you to specify whether or not Pitch Bend
messages should be transmitted.
Editing the System parameters
The following parameters apply to the DisCover 5 as a whole.
Sync parameters
The Transmit Sync parameters allow you to specify
whether or not the DisCover 5 should send MIDI
realtime messages whenever you start the song play-
back. Sending MIDI realtime (start, stop, clock) mes-
sages has the advantage that you can synchronize
external instruments or computers with your
DisCover 5.
Start/Stop/Cont—(On/Off) If you activate this
option, the DisCover 5 will only send start or stop
messages whenever you start (or stop) song play-
back. In this case, no Clock messages are sent.
Clock—(On/Off) This option means that the Song
player sends Clock messages (usual synchronization
Song Pos Pointer—(On/Off) If you select “ON”, the
Song player sends Song Position Pointer (SPP) mes-
sages. These messages are used to signal the current
playback position, so that the slaved (synchronized)
drum machine, sequencer, etc., automatically jumps
to the correct position.
Note: See your sequencer’s etc. manual to find out
whether it accepts Song Position Pointer messages.
Receive: RX Sync
The RX Sync parameter allows you to specify
whether and how the Song player should be syn-
chronized to external sequencers or drum machines.
The available options are:
Internal—The Song player will follow its own inter-
nal tempo.
Auto—This is a function for remote control of song
playback (using a PK-5 dynamic MIDI pedal board,
for example). If the DisCover 5 receives a MIDI Start
message (FA), it waits for Clock messages. If those
Clock messages are not received (a PK-5, for
instance, doesn’t send them), the DisCover 5 starts
playback using its internal tempo. If, however, Clock
messages (F8) follow after the Start message, the
DisCover 5 uses the external tempo. You can never-
theless go on using the Song player without MIDI
Start/Clock messages, which is not possible when you
select “MIDI”.
MIDI—Song playback can be started or stopped with
MIDI realtime messages (Start, Stop, Clock) coming
from an external clock source.
Remote—The Song player waits for a start message
to start playback at its own tempo. When it receives
a stop message, playback will stop.