
USB Memory
Song Player
Digital Recorder
Selecting Sounds Perform. Functions Editing/Eects Other Settings
Rec/Play/Edit Eects Rhythm Pattern
11: Pop Min 2
12: Jazz Min 1
13: Jazz Min 2
14: Oct Stack
15: 4th Stack
16: 5th Stack
17: Scale Set
* To change the key of a chord set, change the value for “KEY” in the
“CHORD MEMORY” screen.
The illustration below shows how to determine the key of the song
from the key signature (the number of and symbols).
Assign Key Chord Name Constituent Notes of Chord Forms
C-add9 C3, D4, D#4, G4
C# Eb7(on Db) C#3, A#3, D#4, G4
D D-7(b5) D3, G#3, C4, F4
D# Ebmaj7 D#3, A#3, D4, G4
E Emaj7(9) E3, G#3, D#4, F#4
F F-7(9) F2, G#3, D#4, G4
F# Gbdim7 F#2, A3, C4, D#4
G G7(b13) G2, F3, B3, D#4
G# Abmaj7 G#2, C4, D#4, G4
A A-7(b5) A2, C4, D#4, G4
A# C-7(on Bb) A#2, C4, D#4, G4
B C-maj7(B) B2, D4, D#4, G4
Assign Key
Chord Name Constituent Notes of Chord Forms
C C-7(11) C3, A#3, D#4, F4
C# Db7(#9) C#3, F3, B3, E4
D D-7(b5) D3, C4, F4, G#4
D# Ebaug maj7 D#3, B3, D4, G4
E E7(9) E2, G#3, D4, F#4
F F7(9) F2, A3, D#4, G4
F# Gbdim7 F#2, A3, C4, D#4
G G7(#9) G2, B3, F4, A#4
G# Abmaj7(#11) G#2, C4, D4, G4
A A-7(b5) A2, C4, D#4, G4
A# Bb-7 A#2, G#3, C#4, F4
B Bdim7 B2, G#3, D4, F4
Assign Key Chord Name Constituent Notes of Chord Forms
C-7(9) C3, D#3, A#3, D4
C# Db7(9) C#3, F3, B3, D#4
D D-7(9) D3, F3, C4, E4
D# Eb7(9) D#3, G3, C#4, F4
E Emaj7(9) E2, G#3, D#4, F#4
F F-7(9) F2, G#3, D#4, G4
F# Gbdim7 F#2, A3, C4, D#4
G G7(13) G2, F3, B3, E4
G# Ab-6 G#2, B3, D#4, F4
A A-7(b5) A2, C4, D#4, G4
A# Bb-7 A#2, G#3, C#4, F4
B B-7(b5) B2, A3, D4, F4
Assign Key Chord Name Constituent Notes of Chord Forms
C --- C4, C5
C# --- C#4, C#5
D --- D4, D5
D# --- D#4, D#5
E --- E4, E5
F --- F4, F5
F# --- F#4, F#5
G --- G4, G5
G# --- G#4, G#5
A --- A4, A5
A# --- A#4, A#5
B --- B4, B5
Assign Key Chord Name Constituent Notes of Chord Forms
C --- C4, F4
C# --- C#4, F#4
D --- D4, G4
D# --- D#4, G#4
E --- E4, A4
F --- F4, A#4
F# --- F#4, B4
G --- G4, C5
G# --- G#4, C#5
A --- A4, D5
A# --- A#4, D#5
B --- B4, E5
Assign Key Chord Name Constituent Notes of Chord Forms
--- C4, G4
C# --- C#4, G#4
D --- D4, A4
D# --- D#4, A#4
E --- E4, B4
F --- F4, C5
F# --- F#4, C#5
G --- G4, D5
G# --- G#4, D#5
A --- A4, E5
A# --- A#4, F5
B --- B4, F#5
Assign Key
Chord Name Constituent Notes of Chord Forms
C Major Scale C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, B4
C# Major Pentatonic Scale C4, D4, E4, G4, A4
D Minor Scale C4, D4, D#4, F4, G4, G#4, A#4
D# Harmonic Minor Scale C4, D4, D#4, F4, G4, G#4, B4
E Melodic Minor Scale C4, D4, D#4, F4, G4, A4, B4
F Whole Tone Scale C4, D4, E4, F#4, G#4, A#4
F# Blue note Scale C4, D#4, F4, F#4, G4, A#4
G Japanese Minor C4, C#4, F4, G4, A#4
G# Ryukyu Scale C4, E4, F4, G4, B4
A Bari Scale C4, C#4, D#4, G4, G#4
A# Spanish Scale C4, C#4, E4, F4, G4, G#4, A#4
B Gypsy Scale C4, C#4, E4, F4, G4, G#4, B4