Parameter Value Explanation
Selects the number of stages that the phaser e ect uses.
This is a four-phase e ect. A light
phaser e ect is obtained.
This is an eight-phase e ect. This is the
most common phaser e ect.
This is a twelve-phase e ect. A deep
phase e ect is obtained.
This is the phaser with two phase shift
circuits connected in series.
Rate 0–100, BPM This sets the speed of the e ect.
Depth 0–100 This sets the richness of the e ect.
Resonance 0–100 This sets the intensity of the e ect.
Parameter Value Explanation
Rate 0–100, BPM This sets the speed of the e ect.
Depth 0–100 This sets the richness of the e ect.
Manual 0–100
Adjusts the modulation frequency of the
anger e ect.
Resonance 0–100 This sets the intensity of the e ect.
Parameter Value Explanation
Rate 0–100, BPM This sets the speed of the e ect.
Depth 0–100 This sets the richness of the e ect.
Wave Shape 0–100
Adjusts changes in volume level. A higher value
will steepen wave’s shape.
Parameter Value Explanation
Rate Slow 0–100, BPM
This parameter adjusts the SPEED SELECT of
rotation when set to “SLOW.”
Rate Fast 0–100, BPM
This parameter adjusts the SPEED SELECT of
rotation when set to “FAST.”
Depth 0–100 This sets the richness of the e ect.
Speed Select SLOW, FAST
This parameter changes the simulated speaker’s
rotating speed.
If you set “Control Pedal Assign” (p. 81) to “INSERT
FX CTRL,” you can use an expression pedal or
a foot switch to change SLOW/FAST of the
speaker’s rotating speed.
Parameter Value Explanation
Rate 0–100, BPM This sets the speed of the e ect.
Depth 0–100 This sets the richness of the e ect.
Level 0–100 This sets the volume level of the e ect.
Parameter Value Explanation
Rate 0–100, BPM This sets the speed of the e ect.
Depth 0–100 This sets the richness of the e ect.
Wave Shape 0–100
Adjusts the sound character of the volume level
changes imparted with the pan e ect.
When set to BPM
When set to BPM, the value of the RATE parameter is set according to the value
of the “Recorder Tempo” (p. 122). This makes it easier to achieve e ect sound
settings that match the tempo of the song.