Data Type User memory Card memory
Rhythm patterns 256 0
Rhythm groups 32 0
Arpeggio patterns 128 0
Chord memory 64 0
* up to 2,000 samples; ** up to 7,000 samples
Snug Fit
User and card memory both contain pre-
assigned memory locations for the storage
of 256 patches, 32 rhythm sets, and 64
performances, and user memory also has
locations for holding rhythm patterns,
arpeggio styles, and chord forms.
This is possible because each of these
items is always precisely the same size—it’s a simple matter of
math for the Fantom-X to set aside sufficient space for them in
user and card memory.
Give Me Those Wide-Open Spaces
The remainder of user memory and card memory is wide-open
space that’s shared by samples and songs. This is because
samples and songs vary in size. A lot.
Samples can be as small as a few kilobytes, or as large as
your sample RAM can hold—and if your sample RAM’s been
expanded to 544 MB, that’s room for a very large sample.
Likewise, songs can grow from about 200 K to over 4 MB.
Because the Fantom-X has no way to know in advance the
sizes of your own personal samples and songs, it’s simply
impossible for it to set aside pre-sized locations for storing
them. Therefore, most of user and card memory is a big shared
area for the storage of samples and songs.
As you fill up user or card memory, you can see how much
room you need for the samples you’re saving so you can tell if
everything’ll fit. We’ll explain how to do this later.
The Sampling on the Fantom-X Workshop booklet offers some helpful
strategies for storing samples and the patches, rhythm sets, and songs
that use them.
Why You’d, Well, Use User Memory
User memory’s very handy, since it’s built into the
Fantom-X—it’s always there. It doesn’t cost any additional
money, of course, and it frees you from having to remember
where you put your stuff. On the other hand, depending on
how you’ll be using the Fantom-X, the amount of data it can
hold may or may not be enough for you.
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