What Goes On In Sample RAM
Sample RAM, logically enough, is where you work with samples
in the Fantom-X. In fact, a sample has to be in sample RAM to
be played or edited. All new samples go straight to sample
RAM when they’re first captured. When you record an audio
track, its samples also go into sample RAM. You can load
samples manually into sample RAM, or the Fantom-X can load
them for you automatically at startup. You also import samples
into sample RAM.
As shipped from the factory, the Fantom-X sample RAM is 32
MB in size, a good size for getting you started.
For more involved sampling work—
and for recording audio tracks—you
can expand sample RAM up to 544
MB by installing SDRAM memory
chips, as explained on Page 244 of
the Fantom-X Owner’s Manual. This
provides ample room for even the
largest samples and longest audio
The Sampling on the Fantom-X Workshop booklet discusses the use of
sample RAM in detail, and explains how to capture, edit, play, save, load,
and import samples. It also explains how to set up the Fantom-X to load
samples for you automatically.
Preserving RAM Samples
Since sample RAM is cleared each time you power-off, it’s
absolutely vital that you save all of the new samples and audio
tracks you want to preserve—as well as any sample you’ve
been editing—to a permanent storage area before turning off
the Fantom-X. Otherwise, they’ll be lost. Yes, this is the third
time we’ve said this—it’s important.
Store, Then Play
When you play a sample on the Fantom-X, you play it in a
patch or rhythm set. Sample-playing patches and rhythm sets
identify their samples by their storage locations, so it doesn’t
make sense to use a sample in a patch or rhythm set until it’s
been stored. Store the patch in permanent memory before
using it in a patch or rhythm set.
Flash: User and Card Memory
For permanent storage of your work, the Fantom-X uses a type
of memory called “flash” memory. Flash provides a very secure
place for the permanent storage of your data. The Fantom-X
offers two kinds of flash memory in which to keep your work:
• user memory—The Fantom-X provides 32 MB of built-in
flash memory, referred to as “user” memory.
• card memory—You can install a PC card (purchased
separately) in the Fantom-X’s rear-panel PC CARD slot
to add up to 1 GB of additional flash storage space.
You can also use a Compact Flash or Smart Media card
with a Compact Flash-to-PCMCIA or Smart Media-to-
PCMCIA adaptor. Swapping multiple cards in and out of
the Fantom-X gives you lots of extra storage space.
From now on in this booklet, when we refer to “PC card” or “memory card,”
we mean all three types of cards that can be used in the Fantom-X.
PC Card Compact Flash
Smart Media