Menu options
Backing Keyboard BK-5
Use the “From” and “To” parameters (3
each) to specify the beginning and end of
the excerpt you want to copy.
By default, the “From” parameters are set to “Bar 1,
Beat 1, CPT 0”, while the “To” values are set to include
the entire track.
Set “Location” to “Destination”.
The following parameters are displayed:
Set “Copy Mode” to “Replace” or “Mix”.
In either case, the length of the destination track may
change to include all data of the source track.
Use the [CURSOR÷VALUE] dial and [ENTER/
SELECT] button to set “Track” to the track
you wish to copy the data to.
AccDrums data can also be copied to other tracks (prefera-
bly Acc1~Acc6). You can only copy ABass data to other
ABass tracks. If you selected “ALL” for “Source – Track”, this
“Track” parameter is also set to “ALL”.
Repeat this operation with the “Mode”
(Major, Minor, 7th, ALL) and “Division”
parameters (Intro 1~4, Main 1~4, Fill Dwn
1~3, Fill Up 1~3, End 1~4, ALL).
If you selected “ALL” for “Source – Mode” or “Source – Divi-
sion”, this “Mode” or “Division” parameter is also set to
Use the [CURSOR÷VALUE] dial and [ENTER/
SELECT] button to select “Copy Times” and
specify the number of copies you need.
Select “1” to copy the excerpt only once.
Press the [KEY] button to audition the desti-
nation track.
Use the [CURSOR÷VALUE] dial and [ENTER/
SELECT] button to specify the target posi-
tion using the three “Into” parameters.
Press the [WRITE] button (its indicator
flashes) to confirm your settings and edit
the data.
■ Insert
“Insert” allows you to insert space and shift data that
lie behind the “From” position further towards the
end of the track (this is the exact opposite of
“Delete”). The empty measures you create can be
“filled” using the “Copy” function or by recording new
phrases in that area.
Parameter Setting Explanation
Location Source, Desti-
Allows you to select
the rhythm whose
tracks you wish to
copy (“Source”) to
another rhythm (“Des-
Track ADrums~Acc6,
Allows you to select
the track you wish to
edit. Select “ALL” only
to replace all tracks.
Mode Major, Minor,
7th, ALL
Allows you to select
the Mode to be edited.
Division Intro 1~4,
Main 1~4, Fill
Dwn 1~3, Fill
Up 1~3, End
Use this parameter to
select the Division you
want to edit.
Into Bar
Into Beat
Into CPT
The” Into” position indicates where the
beginning of the source excerpt will be
after the copy operation. To copy the
source data to the beginning of the
destination track, select BAR= “1”,
BEAT= “1” and CPT= “0”.
Copy Mode Replace The data in the
selected range of the
source track overwrite
the destination track.
Mix The data in the
selected range of the
source track are added
to the data on the des-
tination track.
Copy Times 1~999 Allows you to to spec-
ify the number of cop-
ies to be made. Select
“1” to copy the excerpt
only once. Page 92 Monday, November 14, 2011 12:43 PM