‘Global’ parameters
Backing Keyboard BK-5
Pedal Switch
The “Pedal Switch” setting is found on the display
page that can be selected using [MENU] button‰
“Global” ‰ “Pedal Switch”.
If you do not change the factory setting, the foot-
switch is assigned to the “Start/Stop” function.
The following table shows the functions you can
assign to the footswitch.
USB Driver Generic,
Generic: Choose this if
you want to use the
standard USB driver
that was included with
your computer. Nor-
mally, you should use
this mode.
Original: Choose this
if you want to use a
USB driver down-
loaded from the
Roland website
Recall MIDI Set Off, Key/
Rhythm, PK
Series, Song,
User1, User2,
User3, User4,
User5, User6,
User7, User8
This parameter selects
the MIDI Set whose
settings are loaded
when the BK-5 is
switched on. Select
“Off” if no MIDI Set
should be recalled
when the BK-5 is
switched on.
Auto Off* Off,
10 (5)
30 (15)
240 (30)
This parameter allows
you to cause the BK-5
to switch itself off
after the selected
number of minutes if
you are not using it.
The default setting is
“30”. Select “Off” if you
prefer not to use this
The values in paren-
theses indicate when
the pop-up count-
down appears.
Visual Ctrl
MVC, V-LINK This parameter allows
you to select the visual
control mode. The
option to select
depends on the mes-
sages supported by the
external device: MIDI
Visual Control (MVC) or
Version Info n.nn Shows the version
number of the BK-5’s
operating system.
[*] When the BK-5 has been switched off by this function, you
need to press the [POWER] button, wait a few seconds, then
press the button again to switch the BK-5 back on. (Do not
switch it on too quickly.)
Parameter Setting Explanation
Function Explanation
Start/Stop Starts and stops rhythm or song
playback. Same function as the
[START/STOP] button.
Bass Inversion
Same functions as the [INTRO],
[VARIATION4], [BASS INV] buttons.
See “Using rhythms” on p. 27.
Arranger Hold Allows you to switch the Arranger
Hold function on and off. See
page 63.
Arranger Chord
Allows you to switch the Arranger’s
chord recognition off, in which case
only the drum/percussion part is
Half Bar On Fill In Allows you to switch the “Fill In Half
Bar” function on and off. See
page 63.
Break Mute When you press the footswitch,
rhythm playback is muted for the
remainder of the current measure.
Reset/Start This function allows you to have the
BK-5 start on the first beat of the
currently selected rhythm pattern
when you press the assigned foot-
switch. Use it when you are accom-
panying a singer or soloist whose
timing is a little shaky and suddenly
notice that the playback lags one or
two beats behind the singer/soloist.
Split You can alternate between “Intelli-
gent” and “Pianist2” modes. When
the former is selected, the chord rec-
ognition area (see “Zone” on p. 62) is
automatically set to “Left”. When
you switch to “Pianist1”, the chord
recognition area is automatically set
to “Whole”.
BK-5_US.book Page 69 Monday, November 14, 2011 12:43 PM