Chapter 3. Creating Your Own Sounds
Velocity Sens (Pitch Envelope Velocity Sensitivity)
Set this parameter when you want your keyboard playing dynamics
to affect the amount of pitch change. For higher settings, there will
be a greater difference between softly and strongly played notes.
Negative (-) settings will invert the direction of change.
PCH TIME ENV (Pitch Time Envelope)
These parameters determine how keyboard playing
dynamics will affect the times of the Pitch Envelope.
V-T1 (Pitch Envelope Time 1 Velocity Sensitivity)
Use this parameter when you want keyboard playing
dynamics (velocity) to affect T1 (time) of the Pitch Envelope.
For higher settings, there will be a greater difference between
softly and strongly played notes. For positive (+) settings,
keyboard velocity will speed up the T1 time. For negative (-)
settings, keyboard velocity will slow down the T1 time.
V-T4 (Pitch Envelope Time 4 Velocity Sensitivity)
Use this parameter when you want keyboard playing
dynamics (velocity) to affect T4 (time) of the Pitch Envelope.
For higher settings, there will be a greater difference between
softly and strongly played notes. For positive (+) settings,
keyboard velocity will speed up the T4 time. For negative (-)
settings, keyboard velocity will slow down the T4 time.
Time Keyfollow (Pitch Envelope Time Key Follow)
Use this parameter when you want the keyboard location of the
note to affect the times (T2–T4) of the Pitch Envelope. Higher
settings of this parameter will cause greater time change
relative to the envelope time at middle C (C4). Positive (+)
settings will cause the time change to become shorter for notes
to the right of middle C. Negative (-) settings will cause the
time change to become longer for notes to the right of middle C.
PCH ENVELOPE (Pitch Envelope)
These parameters set the Pitch Envelope (the shape of the
pitch change over time).
T1–4 (Pitch Envelope Time 1–4)
Set the times over which the pitch will change from one point
to the next.
L1–L4 (Pitch Envelope Level 1–4)
Set the amount of pitch change (relative to the basic pitch) for
each point.
■ Modifying the Brightness of
Sound with a Filter (TVF)
The parameters in this group allow you to use the TVF (Time
Variant Filter) to modify the frequency characteristics of the sound.
These parameters are the TVF filter settings.
Type (Filter Type)
Select the filter type.
OFF: filter not used.
LPF (Low Pass Filter): Cut the frequencies above the
Cutoff Frequency. This is the most
common type of filter used in
BPF (Band Pass Filter): Pass only the frequencies in the
area of the Cutoff Frequency.
HPF (High Pass Filter): Cut the frequencies below the
Cutoff Frequency.
PKG (Peaking Filter): Emphasize the frequencies in the
area of the Cutoff Frequency.
Cut (Cutoff Frequency)
Set the frequency of the filter.
Res (Resonance)
Emphasize the frequencies in the area of the Cutoff
Frequency. For some settings, excessive levels can cause
oscillation and distortion.
Keyfollow (Cutoff Frequency Key Follow)
Use this parameter when you want the Cutoff Frequency to
be affected by the keyboard position.
Higher values will result in greater change relative to middle
C (C4). Positive (+) settings will make the Cutoff Frequency
rise as you play further the right of the keyboard. Negative (-
) settings will make the Cutoff Frequency fall.
EnvDepth (TVF Envelope Depth)
Adjust the depth of the TVF envelope. Higher settings will
result in greater change. Negative (-) values will invert the
T1 T2 T3 T4
key is
key is
parameter value
Cutoff frequency