Chapter 1. Overview of the XP-30
In Patch Mode ([EDIT] Indicator is Dark)
The function buttons will act as Tone Switch buttons ([TONE
SWITCH]) and Tone Select buttons ([TONE SELECT]).
[TONE SWITCH] allow you to turn each Tone in the Patch
on (lit) or off (dark). When a Tone is turned on, it can be
Use [TONE SELECT] to select the Tone you wish to modify.
To select a Tone to modify, turn off [EDIT] indicator in the
Tone setting display. To select two or more Tones
simultaneously, hold down one of [TONE SELECT] and
press the other [TONE SELECT]. In this case, the numbers of
Tones other than the first-selected Tone will be displayed as *
In Rhythm Set Mode
([EDIT] Indicator is Dark)
The function buttons (TONE SELECT section) will select the
key shown in the display.
If the [EDIT] indicator is turned off in the Rhythm Set setting
display (the setting display for individual keys), the function
buttons will select the key to be edited.
[TONE SELECT 1]: move to an octave lower key
[TONE SELECT 2]: move to the semitone below
[TONE SELECT 3]: move to the semitone above
[TONE SELECT 4]: move to an octave higher key
When [EDIT] Indicator is Lit
Each mode contains a large number of settable items, and
these items are organized into groups. When [EDIT]
indicator is lit, the function buttons are used to select display
groups. The displays that appear will depend on the current
mode. The groups that can be selected in each mode are
printed on the front panel above the buttons.
* For information on what the function buttons do in GM mode,
please see “Chapter 5. Using the XP-30 as the GM Sound
Module” (p. 124).
■ About the Cursor Buttons
The cursor buttons are used to move between display pages
or to move the cursor.
Moving Between Display Pages
The various displays are grouped by function button, and
each group contains several display pages. Use the cursor
buttons to move between these display pages and groups.
Moving Between Pages
An upward-pointing arrow ( ) shown in the display
indicates that one or more pages exist before this page. A
downward-pointing arrow ( ) shown in the display
indicates that one or more pages exist after this page. Press
[ ] to move to the previous page, or [ ] to move to the next
page. Pressing [ ] while holding [SHIFT] will jump to the
first page. Pressing [ ] while holding [SHIFT] will jump to
the last page.
Moving Between Groups
From one of the Play displays, hold down [SHIFT] and press
[ ] to access the left-most function button group display.
In group displays that you select using the function buttons,
you can hold down [SHIFT] and press [ ] to move to the
group of the function button to the left, or hold down
[SHIFT] and press [ ] to move to the group of the function
button to the right.
Whenever you are in any group display, you can move to
another group even if [EDIT] indicator is dark. In other
words, this procedure allows you to move to a different
group without having to turn on [EDIT] indicator, and is a
faster and more efficient way to get around.