R/C Operation
84 AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.7. February 1, 2005
Data Logging in R/C Mode
While in R/C Mode, the AX2500/2850 will continuously send a string of characters on the
RS232 output line. This string will contain 12 two-digits hexadecimal number representing
the 12 following operating parameters.
• Captured R/C Command 1 and 2
• Power Applied to Controller’s output stage
• Values applied to Analog inputs 1 and 2
• Amps on channel 1 and 2
• Internal Heat Sink temperatures 1 and 2
• Main Battery voltage
• Internal 12V voltage
• Encoder Speed or Position feedback, if encoder module is present.
The entire string is repeated every 200 milliseconds with the latest internal parameter val-
ues. This information can be logged using the Roborun Utility (see “Viewing and Logging
Data in Analog and R/C Modes” on page 172). It may also be stored in a PDA that can be
placed in the mobile robot.
The string and data format is described in “Analog and R/C Modes Data Logging String For-
mat” on page 102. The serial port’s output can be safely ignored if it is not required in the
To read the output string while operating the controller with the R/C radio, you must mod-
ify the R/C cable to add an RS232 output wire and connector that will be connected to the
PC’s communication port. Figure 55 and Figure 55 below shows the wiring diagram of the
modified R/C cable for connection to a PC or to a PDA, respectively.
Output C
Output C
Output D
No Change
Output D
FIGURE 54. Using Channel 3 to activate accessory outputs