AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual 161
Roborun Frame, Tab and Menu Descriptions
Roborun Frame, Tab and Menu Descriptions
The Roborun screen contains the four main set of commands and information frames
described below:
1- Program Revision Number
This is the revision and date of the Roborun utility. It is recommended that you always ver-
ify that you have the latest revision of the utility from Roboteq’s web site at
2- Controller and Communication Link Information
This frame will automatically be updated with an indication that a free communication port
was found and opened by the utility.
If no free communication port is available on your computer, it will be indicated in this win-
dow. You should try to select another port using the “Change COM Port” button or try to
free the port if it is used by a different device and program.
FIGURE 93. Roborun screen layout