Message List
ipp enable. Printing with ipp is enabled.
IPP job canceled. jobid=%d. The spooled job was canceled due to error or
user request.
LeaseTime=<lease time>(sec), Renew-
Time=<renew time>(sec).
The resource lease time received from the
DHCP server is displayed in [lease time] in
seconds. The renewal time is displayed in [re-
new time] in seconds.
Login to fileserver <file server name>
(In the print server mode) Login to the file
server is in the NDS or BINDERY mode.
multid start. Data transmission service for multiprotocols
has started.
nbstart start. (NetBEUI) The service for NetBEUI protocol stack setting
has started.
NBT Registration Broadcast(<NetBIOS
Use a local broadcast to map the NetBIOS
name with the IP address.
nbtd start. The nbtd service has started (available only in
the DHCP mode).
NetBEUI Computer Name =<computer
The NetBEUI computer name is specified.
nmsd start. (NetBEUI) The nmsd (Name Server Daemon) service has
npriter start. (NetWare) (In the remote printer mode) The NetWare
service has started.
nwstart start. (NetWare) The service for NetWare protocol stack setting
has started.
Open log file <file name> (In the print server mode) The specified log file
has been opened.
papd start. (AppleTalk) The AppleTalk print service has started.
phy release file open failed. Replacing the network interface board is re-
quired. Contact your sales or service repre-
Print queue <print queue name> cannot be
serviced by printer 0, <print server name>
(In the print server mode) The print queue
cannot be established. Make sure that print
queue exists on the specified file server.
Print server <print server name>has no print-
(In the print server mode) The printer is not as-
signed to the print server. Using NWadmin,
assign the printer, and then restart it.
print session full No more print jobs can be accepted.
Printer <printer name> has no queue (In the print server mode) The print queue is
not assigned to the printer. Using NWadmin,
assign the print queue to the printer, and then
restart it.
Message Problem and solutions