Paper Storage
Paper should always be stored properly. Improperly stored paper might result in poor image reproduction,
creased copies, and paper misfeeds. Generally, avoid curling and absorption of moisture.
❐ Avoid storing paper in humid areas. Under high temperature and high humidity, or low temperature and low humidity
conditions, store paper in a vinyl bag.
❐ Do not store paper where it will be exposed to heat.
❐ Store on a flat surface.
❐ Use older stock first.
❐ Do not lay heavy objects on paper.
❐ Keep open reams of paper in the package, and store as you would unopened paper.
Toner Storage
❐ Store in a cool, dark place.
❐ Never store toner where it will be exposed to heat.
❐ Do not lay heavy objects on toner container.
Use and Storage of Suplies