Image Overlay
(Only for Edit Type)
Full Image Overlay (Only for Edit Type)
This function overlay the foreground image original onto a background image original.
Text Overlay
This function can colorize a text original (foreground image original) and overlay it on the full color image
original (background image original).
For functions that cannot be used together in image overlay. ☛ See 106.
❐ Colors that can be selected as a text color:
Yellow, Beige, Orange, Red, Yellow Green, Cyan, Pink, Magenta, Green, Marine Blue, Blue, Purple, White, Black, and
User Colors
❐ You can adjust the density to one of four levels (except white).
❐ If you did not select the text color, the text will be copied in the original color.
❐ The modes that can be set for the background image original are:
• Color/Image Adjustment: Image Density, Color Mode, Original Type, Image Adjustment, Color Adjustment, Color
Balance Adjustment
• Color Creation: Color Conversion, Color Erase, Color Background
❐ The modes that can be set for the job settings as follows:
• Auto Paper Select
• Manual Paper Select
• Reduce/Enlarge (Preset Reduce/Enlarge, Zoom, Auto Reduce/Enlarge)
• Margin Adjustment
Set the foreground image original (original that
has the text to be composed) on the right of the
exposure glass. Then set the background im-
age original (original that will be the background
image) on the left of the exposure glass.
❐ You cannot set your originals in the document feeder.
Full Image Overlay (Only for Edit Type)
1: Foreground image original
2: Background image original