Delivering Scan Files
Preparing to Deliver a File
This section describes the preparations and settings for delivering scan files.
❒ To use the network delivery scanner function, you need a delivery server on
which the optional ScanRouter delivery software is installed. For details
about the ScanRouter delivery software, see the manuals supplied with the
ScanRouter delivery software.
❒ To view files delivered to an in-tray, DeskTopBinder must be installed on the
client computer.
A Connect the machine to the network.
Connect the machine to the network using an Ethernet cable or wireless LAN
(IEEE 802.11b).
B Make the necessary network settings in [System Settings].
If you have connected the machine to the network using an Ethernet cable,
make the following settings. For details, see General Settings Guide.
• Specify the machine’s IP address and subnet mask
•In [Effective Protocol], enable [TCP/IP]
•Set [Delivery Option] to [On]
C If necessary, change settings in [Send Settings] under [Scanner Features].
D Using the ScanRouter delivery software, register this machine as an I/O de-
vice. In addition, specify register destinations and specify such settings as
the delivery type and sender.
For details, see the manuals supplied with the ScanRouter delivery software.
❒ To connect the machine to the network using a wireless LAN (IEEE
802.11b), an extended wireless LAN board is required respectively. For de-
tails, see Network Guide.
❒ Items to set up in [System Settings] vary depending on the network environ-
ment. For details about the network settings, see General Settings Guide.
❒ For details about installing DeskTopBinder Lite, see "Installing DeskTop-
Binder Lite from the Supplied CD-ROM".
p.79 “Installing DeskTopBinder Lite from the Supplied CD-ROM”