❖ Scanned Files Status
1. Date/Time
Displays the time and date transmission
was specified by this machine or the time
and date when Done, Error, or Cancelled
was confirmed.
2. Transmission function icon
Displays the icon of the transmission
function used.
3. Destination
Displays the transmission destination.
If you have selected multiple destina-
tions, the first selected destination is dis-
Other destinations appear as “+ X”. (X in-
dicates the number of destinations.)
4. Sender
Displays the sender name.
5. File Name
Displays the stored file name of files that
are simultaneously sent and stored, or of
stored files that are sent.
6. Status
Displays one of the following transmis-
sion statuses: Done, Sending..., Wait-
ing..., Error, or Cancelled.
7. [Cancel]
To cancel transmission, select a file
whose status is [Waiting...], and then press
8. [Print]
Press to print transmission results.
❒ Depending on security settings, some transmission results might not be dis-