
Gateway .conf File Configuration
24 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
Setting Up the Directory Manager
When the Directory server is installed, the Directory Manager is by default set
to the root DN. The Directory Server 4.0 installation requires a root DN. If no
root DN was configured when the Directory server was installed, then no
default Directory Manager is configured for the gateway.
Note For security reasons, Netscape recommends setting the Directory Manager to an
entry other than the root DN.
Configuring the Directory Manager DN
Use this procedure to configure the gateway Directory Manager to reference the
correct DN.
1. Create an entry for the Directory Manager, making sure to set a password
for the entry.
2. Set the permissions for the Directory Manager so that it has read and write
authority for the entries it manages.
3. When necessary, change the dirmgr parameter to refer to the Directory
Manager’s distinguished name.
Note End users frequently forget their passwords, so give the Directory Manager
write access to the userPassword attribute for the entries it manages.
The dirmgr parameter is described in “dirmgr” on page 82. Creating directory
entries is described in the Netscape Directory Server Administrator’s Guide.
Authenticating as Directory Manager
Figure 2.3shows the authentication login screen for the default gateway.
Administrators can use it to authenticate as the Directory Manager. The
Authenticate as Directory Manager button is displayed only when a Directory
Manager has been configured for the gateway.
The authlifetime parameter, which defines the number of seconds that a user
may remain authenticated, is described in “location” on page 84.