
HTTP Server Requirements for Gateways
2 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
In Version 4.0 of Netscape Directory Server, many gateway instances can be
defined on one HTTP server, providing access to any number of Directory
Servers. A gateway instance consists of:
a .conf file, stored in <NSHOME>/dsgw/context, defining the context for a
gateway instance (for instance, dsgw.conf defines the dsgw gateway
an HTML directory for object class templates and other files containing
gateway directives used to communicate with the LDAP server.
a configuration directory for directory search, directory authentication,
language files, and gateway scripts.
HTTP Server Requirements for Gateways
A gateway instance requires an HTTP server capable of communicating with
the LDAP Directory Server.
For optimum performance and highest security, the gateway should be
configured to run under a high-performance HTTP server, such as the Netscape
Enterprise server.
See Also
“HTTP Server Configuration” on page 17
Gateways Installed with Directory Server 4.0
Two gateway instances are installed during Directory Server installation: the
default gateway and Directory Express. The default gateway provides search,
authentication, and entry modification capability. Directory Express is a
customized version designed specifically for use as a corporate phonebook.
The two gateway instances provided with Directory Server are configured to
use the suffix set when the Directory Server was configured, and non-SSL
(Secure Socket Layer) communications. Either can serve as a framework for a
building a more sophisticated gateway instance.