
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What if I don’t subscribe to cable TV?
A. If cable TV is available in your area, data service may be made available with or without
cable TV service. Contact your local cable company for complete information on cable
services, including high-speed internet access.
Q. How do I get the system installed?
A. Professional installation from your cable provider is strongly recommended. They will ensure
proper cable connection to the modem and your computer. However, your retailer may have
offered a self installation kit, including the necessary software to communicate with your
cable ISP.
Q. Once my cable modem is connected, how do I get access to the Internet?
A. Your local cable company provides your internet service*, offering a wide range of services
including email, chat, and news and information services, and a connection to the World
Wide Web.
Q. Can I watch TV and surf the Internet at the same time?
A. Absolutely! And your phone line wont be tied up while youre online.
Q. Can I run more than one computer on the modem?
A. Yes a single cable modem can support up to 32 computers using Ethernet connectivity.**
Q. What do you mean by “Broadband”?
A. Simply put, it means youll be getting information through a bigger pipe, with more
bandwidth, than a standard phone line can offer. A wider, broader band means more
information, more quickly.
* Monthly subscription fee applies.
** Additional equipment required. Contact your cable company and ISP for any restrictions or
additional fees.
(continued on next page)
Frequently Asked Questions