9. The search should find the driver for the “RCA or Thomson DCM 2xx Cable Modem”
(Fig. 13). To confirm that this is the case, click “Next” to continue and proceed to step 11.
Otherwise, see step 10.
Important: Do NOT continue if the search finds “USB Composite Device” driver. Proceed to
step 10.
10. Follow these instructions ONLY if the driver found was NOT the “RCA or Thomson DCM 2xx
Cable Modem.”
A. Click “Back” to return to the previous window.
B. Ensure that you have selected the “CD-ROM” option.
C. In addition to the CD-ROM option, choose “Specify a location.” Click on “Next” to
continue (Fig. 14).
D. In the location box, type in your CD-ROM drive. For example, if your
CD-ROM is located on the E: drive, type “E:\.” Click on “Ok” to continue.
E. Click “Next” to continue.
The search should find either “RCA or Thomson USB Cable Modem” or “RCA or
Thomson DCM 2xx Cable Modem.”
Connecting the Cable Modem
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
(continued on next page)