Users are able to congure a line key as a transfer key to perform the Blind/At-
tended/Semi-Attended Transfer. The main dierence with Transfer hard key is in
this case users can pre-congure the number to which transfer will be performed.
This is very useful when there is a limited number of numbers to which users will
transfer their calls.
To assign the line key as Transfer via the web interface:
Go to PHONE[FUNCTION Keys (Line Key)
The line key can be congured as a hold key. Users can use this key to hold and
retrieve a call during the conversation.
To assign the key as Hold via the web interface:
Go to PHONE[FUNCTION Keys (Line Key)
If the line key is congured as DND key, it will work as a toggle key to enable or
disable this service.
Please check the “DND” section in the Incoming calls section of Basic Call Func-
tions chapter for more information about this function.
To assign DND to a key via the web interface:
Go to PHONE[FUNCTION Keys (Line Key)
Call Return
The Call Return function dials out the last number from which the user received a call.
If there is already an active call, when pressing Call Return key the rst call will be put
on hold and a new one will be sent to the Call Return number.
To assign Call Return to a key via the web interface:
Go to PHONE[FUNCTION Keys (Line Key)
Pick Up
The Pickup key allows users to perform call capture from another ringing sta-
tion with a single key press. This feature is not supported by all service providers.
Please check with the service provider or IP PBX vendor for more details.
To assign Pick Up to a key via the web interface:
Go to PHONE[FUNCTION Keys (Line Key)