To listen to new messages via the phone interface:
1) Press the VOICEMAIL button.
2) The users will be prompted to enter the password which is needed to connect to
the VoIP telephony system.
3) The voice mailbox is called and users are able to listen to their new and old
Note: 1. Before retrieving the voicemails, please make sure that the connecting code
has been set on the phone.
2. If there is more than one account set on the phone, the active account mailbox
will be called when the VOICEMAIL button is pressed.
Advanced Functions
Account Setting
Please refer to the “Conguration and Registration” section for the basic account
setting information. The following table lists the parameters in Advanced Account
Setting section of the web interface.
Field Name Description
Local SIP Port Local SIP port. The default value is 5060.
DTMF Type Select DTMF type.
Session Timer (seconds) This document denes an extension to
the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This
extension allows for a periodic refresh
of SIP sessions through a re-INVITE or
UPDATE request. The refresh allows both
user agents and proxies to determine if
the SIP session is still active.
Voice Encryption (SRTP) Voice Encryption (SRTP)
ptime(ms) The time between two RTP packets of
the current used codec
SIP Server Type The type of SIP Server