Powering your camcorder
using adapter/charger 10
using battery 11
using optional car cord adapter 15
Problem solving 48
Product registration i
Quick review feature 24
REC indicator 6, 22
REC/PAUSE button 6, 9, 22, 32, 34,
37, 39
Record-pause indicator 6, 22
Recording speed 16
Recording tips 29
Registration i
RESET button 28
Reset switch 8
REW(rewind)/REVIEW button
7, 8, 18, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34
Rewind indicator 22
RF DC OUT jack 8, 38
RF output adapter, optional 38
Safety information i
Safety precautions
battery 14
Safety tab 16
Searching during playback 34
Shoulder strap 3
attach 40
Shoulder strap attachment rings 9, 40
Solving problems 48
SP speed 16, 33
Specifications 53
recording and playback 16
Status indicators 22
STOP button 7, 28
Stop-action pause 34
5, 8, 13, 17, 18, 28, 30, 33, 34, 37, 39
Table of contents 1
insert 5
Tape copying 37
Tape counter 23, 28
TAPE END Indicator 23, 26
TAPE indicator 23
Tape positioning 34
Tape warnings 23
Things to avoid 52
Time and date
display 18, 23
record 19
set 18
Time-remaining display 23, 26
recording 29
travel 29
Titler 30
chart of characters 31
correct an error 31
create a title 31
record on a tape in camcorder 19, 32
record while copying a tape 32
TITLER button 8, 30, 31, 32
Tracking 35
TRACKING buttons 9, 35
Travel tips 29
optional 42
using 42
Trouble checks 48