Trouble Checks
If you’re having trouble with your camcorder, you probably can correct the problem
yourself. Before you take your camcorder to an Authorized RCA Camcorder Service
Center or call a service person, use the chart below. Find the problem and try the
adjustment(s) that is listed to the right.
If service should be necessary, read your warranty to find out what is covered and how
to get service.
No power
Won’t record or
play back
Won’t play back
Won’t record
No picture
Camcorder turns
Trouble Checks and Adjustments
• Press and hold the small button while you place the
• If using battery, it might need to be recharged.
• If using AC adapter/charger, make sure it is plugged
into a working outlet.
• If using AC adapter/charger, make sure it is plugged
into a working outlet.
• Make sure CAMERA/OFF/VCR switch is set to correct
position for desired operation.
• There might not be a cassette in the camcorder.
• Try ejecting and reinserting the cassette.
• The cassette tape might be broken, try another cassette.
• You may have reached the end of the cassette, try
rewinding it.
• Moisture condensation might cause the tape to stick to
the headwheel and damage the headwheel or tape. Give
the camcorder 2 or 3 hours to reach a stable temperature
before reinserting a cassette.
• Set CAMERA/OFF/VCR switch to VCR position.
• Safety tab is removed. See page 16.
• Remove lens cap.
• Set CAMERA/OFF/VCR switch to OFF and then
CAMERA or VCR to turn back on. If camcorder is left
in record-pause or play-pause for several minutes, it
turns off to prevent tape wear.