Starter Kit Instruction Manual Maintenance 45
[12] Connect oscilloscope on the output Out1.
Load with a 50Ω . Choose a repetition period
of about 5 µs.
[13] Pot 10 turns Duration on 10. Adjust
capacitor Max duration (2) to have a output
pulse of 20 0 ns + /-5 ns.
[14] Pot 10 turns Duration on 0. Adjust the
pot Out 0ns adj (1) in order tha t the output
pulse is 0ns. The pulse is 0 ns long when its
shape is triangular with an 1,1 V amplitude
(half of the maximum value).
[15] Repeat points [13] and [14] until the val-
ues are OK .
[16] Check the output Out 2, check the oper-
ation of Gate in . The input Gate in open
(high TTL level) = gate open, the output sig-
nal is pr e sent. Input Gate in short-circuited
(low TTL level) = gate closed, the output
signal is zero.
[17] Check the +12 V is present on Lemo 00
(+12 V on the ce ntre connector).
Fig.36: TPG128 main board