Starter Kit Instruction Manual Maintenance 44
[5] Choose the range 5 µs to 105 µs. Pot 10
turns Period on 10. Adjust the adjustable
capacitor max 105 µs adj (4) in order to
obtain a 105 µs long period.
[6] Pot 10 turns Period on 0. Ajust the pot
Period min adj (1) in order to have a period
of 5 µs.
[7] Repeat steps 5) and 6) in order to obtain
105 +/- 1 µs and 5 +/- 0,1 µs for the two
settings of the pot Period.
[8] Choose the range 0.2 µs to 2.2 µs. Pot
10 turns Period on 10. Adjusts the capaci-
tor max 2,2 µs adj (2) in order to obtain a
period of 2.2 µs.
[9] 10 turn pot Period on 0. Check that the
period is 200 ns. If it is not the case, re-adjust
the pot 50 ns adj (5) in order to obtain 200
+/-20 ns. (In general, it is not pos sible to go
below 210 ns).
[10] Choose the range 0.5 µs to 10.5 µs. Pot
10 turn Period on 10. Adjust capacitor max
10,5 µs adj (3) in order to have a period of
10,5 µs.
[11] Pot 10 turns Period on 0. Check the
period is 0.6 +0/-0.1 µs.
Fig.35: TPG128 main board